It’s not about what it is. It’s about what it can become.

Take a cue from Dr. Suess’ quote above. You didn’t get into business to stay stagnant. You’re a dreamer. And, there’s a way you can make those audacious dreams of yours happen with The Elevate Mastermind.

Build Confidence

Elevate Your Business

Increase Revenue

This Mastermind Is For You If…

  • You’ve got an established business and are ready to see where you can take it

  • You’re eager to grow your team and need the growth to support the investment

  • You’ve hit a revenue plateau and can’t break through despite trying

  • You’re spinning your wheels doing all the things and aren’t seeing the results

You Might Also Wish You Could…

  • Discern which big idea to put your energy behind

  • Stop leaving money on the table

  • Lead your existing team with confidence and excellence

  • Balance being really present at home while scaling your business

  • Enjoy more time, energy and financial freedom


The Elevate Mastermind

Are you willing to challenge what you believe about business, marketing, sales, money and your offer?

This mastermind—jam-packed with practical tools, mindset work, leadership training and impactful guest speakers—is everything you need to run your successful business your way.

become the ceo your mom wished you’d marry

Confidence You Can Lead from the Top

Push the edges of your comfort zone and finally quiet that inner voice that says this is as good as it gets for you.

Doing Less Leads to More

Discern which ideas and activities actually move the needle for you. Go all in and get hyper focused on money-generating moves.

Conversations Lead to Cash Flow

Get into conversation with your prospects and master the art of converting leads into buyers.

Collaboration Leads to Innovation

Whoever said it’s lonely at the top wasn’t a part of Elevate. Surrounding yourself with high-level thinkers will take you places you can’t even dream about now.

Meet Your Coach 

Hey! I’m Mandi Briggs.

I’m a former corporate leader turned leadership coach, but my specialty is really helping women realize their dreams.

As the owner of The Collective, I help women business owners grow their business and maximize their impact through business masterminds, one-on-one coaching, and workshops.

When members experience confidence and clarity around the direction their business is heading – that’s the best part of what I do. Together, we scale their business while avoiding CEO burn out.

You ready to get started with me? 

It’s Time To Ditch The Excuses & Make It Happen!

What would happen if you spent a full year in the CEO seat? View your business from 30,000 ft. Make connections. Form partnerships. Get immersed in your growth. Commit now + let’s goooo!

What Past Participants Say


Here’s some of what you’ll learn in the Elevate Mastermind!

  • Are you treating your business like a Fortune 500 or a side hobby? You’ll learn to adopt a CEO mindset, meaning you step out of the weeds and get strategic with your time, energy and resources. I guarantee you’ll walk away with new business ideas, creative concepts and sales skills you would not have had if you had not been at the table with us.

  • Rethink how you show up for your business. From how you stand to how you dress to how you speak, you’re sending a message. You’ll learn to make every interaction count.

  • Making educated decisions based on real data is the only way to the top. From profit and loss and cash flow to pricing your offers, learn to let your numbers do the talking.

  • Typically 20% of your efforts lead to 80% of your profits. You’ll learn to evaluate your daily activities to see what moves the needle for you. Hyper focus on those and the rest—delegate to Elevate!

  • Feel like you’ve tapped out your current network? You probably have.

    Surround yourself with high-level entrepreneurs who fit your future. Gain insights + access to their networks. Learn what it feels like to have them mention your name at big tables.

  • As they say, know your worth and charge tax! I have a hunch you'll be raising your prices when you learn that it's easier to sell a higher ticket offer to a few people than a lower ticket offer to a bunch of people.

    Plus, you’ll learn all about stirring the pot with MGAs—a concept that pays off 60-90 days after you start.

    While I can’t guarantee results, watch what happens when you go all in.

join by july 1 for $500 deposit + 10 monthly payments of

$765 (most flexible!)

mastermind Pricing

Let’s Talk Investment

Price increases to $830 monthly on July 2!

One-time payment of

$7,500 ($1,300 savings)


If you think Elevate sounds amazing, but you’re still hesitant – keep scrolling!

Elevate is for the woman who believes in possibility. She is ready to wear the CEO hat and knows that focusing her energy on needle-moving activities will move her toward the 6- and 7-figure business she desires.

Are you willing to lay you chips on the table to go all in on yourself for a full year? Here’s what you’ll get with your investment…

Elevate Mastermind Includes

  • Bi-Weekly Group Mastermind Sessions

    From Sept. 9, 2024 - Aug. 11, 2025, you’ll meet twice monthly for teaching, brainstorming + accountability.

  • Deep Dive 1:1 Coaching with Mandi

    Dive into your business goals, strategy and challenges with life coach and business strategist Mandi Briggs.

  • Exclusive Elevate Retreat

    Mark your calendar for Nov. 5 - 8 and get ready to pack your bags! You’ll join us for an exclusive retreat in Dallas, TX where you’ll strategically map out 2025.

  • Private Voxer Support

    Get real-time access to other high-level entrepreneurs in a private Voxer group where you can brainstorm ideas and get feedback so you can execute with excellence.

  • The Elevate Workbook

    Track your progress, reflect on concepts and brainstorm ideas all in one place. The Elevate Workbook is your business bible for the year.

  • Dynamic Guest Speakers

    Talk about one thing your course includes and include a brief description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.


Are You Ready To Do The Dang Thing?

Watch what happens when you go all in on yourself.

Still have some questions?
I’ve got you covered.

  • Elevate meets bi-weekly starting Sept. 9, 2024 - Aug. 11,


  • You’ll spend approximately 3 hours a month in meetings. Beyond that, you implement the learnings into your regular work schedule, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

  • Elevate is focused on growth. The application process helps to ensure those who participate bring the same level of enthusiasm, hard work and commitment to the group.

  • BOTH! Experience the knowledge and essence of female leaders across the nation.

    Oklahoma City Metro participants have the option to join sessions in person.

    The exclusive retreat in November 2024 will be in-person only.

  • Yes! Elevate fosters conversation and collaboration. Each participant signs a confidentiality agreement so you can speak freely and intentionally about your business.

  • Elevate is intended to be a small, intimate group of entrepreneurs doing business together. To ensure every CEO has the opportunity to present and contribute, participation will be limited to no more than 10 women.

  • An initial deposit of $500 secures your seat in the mastermind. Payment in full or payment plans are due in August 15.

  • Do to the nature of the mastermind refunds are not available.